HCC Coding

HCC Coding
Concurrent, Prospective & retrospective chart reviews analyze dates of service to abstract HCC codes to the highest specificity possible. Our HCC optimization platform identifies care-gaps and missed HCC opportunities during the retrospective review process to optimize your operational efficiencies.
Spy Health is having highly trained professional Coding team,
Our team, experts in capture HCC (additions/edits/deletions) & NLP scrubbing.
Hierarchical condition categories (HCC) predict the healthcare spending for patients and for developing each Medicare beneficiary’s Risk Adjustment Factor (RAF). Spy Health enables you to document HCC patient treatment accurately — arriving at precise RAF calculations through accurate HCC coding and smart documentation management. Our compliance-based approach to medical record coding is delivered by coders certified by AAPC or AHIMA. They capture or suggest deletion of risk adjusting diagnostic codes and perform data validation audits with actionable reports. We offer a full-service HCC coding solution: ACA-Commercial, Medicare Advantage, and Managed Medicaid.